HELLO 2021 MRF Team Building activity


The breeze is not that dry and the sunlight is just as bright as expected. From January 22 to 24, 2021, 45 people from MRF management organized a three-day and two-night group building activity to Wyndham Hot Spring Hotel in South Kunshan.

At 9:00 a.m. on 23rd , the management team building meeting was held in the hotel conference room. At the meeting, Alex, the host, first led everyone to review the history of MRF, then mentioned the excellent teams in the past year, and finally raised the following four questions for the management representatives to talk about and discuss one by one:

1. What preparations and efforts have we made to promote the company to realize the corporate vision?

2. In the 2020 team management, what are the improvements of our outlook as leaders and any specific highlights?

3. In 2021, as the leader of a small team, how will we lead the team to the next level?

4. What are our team goals for 2021?

At 3 p.m. on 23rd, the team building game was held on the lawn of the hotel, with participants randomly divided into four groups. The team members, wearing MRF white and blue shirts, gave it a full play to their wits and soaked their shirts on the vast grass. The first activity is tug of war, during which the fierce competition and loud shouts of cheerleaders have brought the atmosphere to the highest point. The second activity is to step on the newspaper, and in this battle of wits, each team has to come up with their own tactics through discussion in order not to fall out of the newspaper. The third activity is team rope skipping. The repeated practice has increased the bonding among team members while also refreshing the record of rope skipping constantly. In these three games, every member took an active part, helped each other, and deeply felt the strength of the team. Only through joint effort can we overcome all the difficulties and challenges.

At 6pm on 23rd , the champagne party themed Hello 2021 MRF was held. With food and champagne ready, everyone dressed up and walked in pairs, expressing their expectations for 2021 through their attire and sending New Year's blessings. At the end of the show, everyone randomly drew New Year's gifts by the number plate, and shared the written blessings in the gift. Finally, we played a small game of "having a heart-to-heart talk with partners". We had a real heart-to-heart talk with the most unfamiliar partners in the team, so that both sides could understand each other more deeply. The party ended in a happy and harmonious atmosphere. After three days and two nights of team building activities, we were full of enthusiasm and expectations. We were youthful, dedicated and full of vigor. May we embrace 2021 with the harvest of this team building and meet all the luck and beauty in the future.