2022MRF "Follow the Trend and Sail Away" Management Meeting


June is a colorful season. Bid farewell to the gentle spring breeze, ushered in the hot summer. The sun shines down from the dense layers of branches and leaves, and the ground is covered with patches of light as big as copper coins. The cicadas singing merrily in the trees add rhythm to this afternoon. In this June, which full of vigor and youth, accompanied by the enthusiastic sunshine and cicada singing, 64 members of MRF management team went to Shenzhen Kaisa Marriott Hotel to carry out a two-day and one-night team building activity.

In the morning of 24th of June, all the management arrived to the hotel. From 14:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon, the management theme meeting of "Follow the trend and sail away" was held in the conference hall of the hotel. During the meeting, the heads of all departments analyzed the existing problems and made countermeasures, and proposed development plans. The leaders of the company and heads of all departments made an agreement to the development plans for the rest of the year.

Representatives from all districts and departments made a speech:

The head of the department and Regional managers reviewed the work of past six month, summarize experience and practice and propose optimal measures for the rest of the year, so that we could have a multi-dimensional cognition of the situation and promote deeper understanding and cooperation, and finally improve their respective contribution and contribution effectiveness.

The general manager made a speech:

Currently, in this slack season, the industry has huge competitiveness and the interests of the company were damaged, MRF made a breakthrough through its mainly unity and concerted efforts.

1.Comprehensively review and comment on the work of the early year -- full of challenges.

2.Summarize the strategies of various departments used for the Russia-Ukraine war.

3.Regarding the work objectives for the rest of the year, we should build our confidence, clarify the short term and long term goal, and put effort to achieve the victory.

4.Digital transformation will be the inevitable trend of freight forwarding industry. By using the CARGO WISE digital system, we should improve our work efficiency and accuracy.

5.While achieving the rapid development, the company should also be aware of the gap with the world's top ten industries. We should keep the mission of the industry and promote the development of the industry.

The general manager stated that, MRF should "catch the historic opportunity of a century, go against the trend and become a first-class logistics company. " Moreover, it should achieve the "revenue over 100 and Century old enterprise" goals, and arranged the deployment of the rest of the year.

Kalyan made a summary:

Dear colleagues, looking back to the past 13 years, turning risks into opportunities and flying against the wind is one of the most distinctive features and labels for MRF in the industry. Today, we have set up the goal to break through this ice age, and we have a very clear mission, strategy and method of fighting. There is a young team who is fighting hard to this difficult battles. We have every reason to believe that the "double Hundred goals" will surely be achieved. "Seize the rare historical opportunity in a hundred years, set sail against the trend to become a first-class" will also be achieved! Let us work closely, support each other and provide best services to every customers, and fight every battle!

At the end of the meeting, MRF held an Awarding Ceremony for Shally, Linda, Benjamin and Luyi who have been employed for more than 10 years. Hope them achieve further success in their future career in MRF.

When night fell, the MRF family dressed up for the "Enjoy the Cool Summer with MRF" dinner event in fine makeup and handsome faces. Blowing the sea breeze, listening to the band playing, overlooking the sea front...... We enjoyed the leisurely and pleasant time to our hearts' content.

Before dinner, Amy led everyone to play a small interactive game -- "Find people around you". By discovering the people around you, we pay more attention to the characteristics and strength of our colleague , and promote mutual understanding between colleagues. The top one who give a correct answer will be rewarded of MRF limited blind box.

On the morning of 25th, Mr. Huang Zhiwei provided a training on the theme of "Middle and senior leadership Improvement". The training focuses on the following five lectures:

I. Role recognition of middle and senior managers;

II. Five levels of leadership;

III. The ultimate test of leadership -- making positive change;

IV. Shortcut of building a strong leadership -- problem solving ability and wisdom;

V. The three principles of leadership.

There are three aspects of training which included case analysis, process management and key skills building. The course provides comprehensive guidance to middle and senior managers, hoping that they can apply what they have learned into practice.

With the active participation of all the participants, this team building activity ended successfully. With the characteristics of being professional, fun and enjoyable, the content of training were permeated into the behavioral experience of the participants. Each leader who participated in the team construction clearly saw their own blind spots and the blind spots of the team. They discovered their potential ability and strengthened the sense of team cooperation. It showed the youth vitality and style of MRF.